Now watching: Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter

Confession: I've never understood the allure of the Friday the 13th films or Jason as a character. I saw the original one and bits & pieces of others. But, I heard good things about part 4 (aka The Final Chapter) and decided to give it a chance. So if you're a big fan of these films, you might want to skip this post, because I don't have a lot of great things to say about this particular piece of cinema other than it made me laugh, a lot, especially in the last half hour of it or so.

(Spoilers ahead, so avoid if you are concerned about that sorta thing.)

I think my review can be summarized in a list of alternative title ideas for this film:

Friday the 13th: The One Where Crispin Glover Does That Weird Dance

Friday the 13th: Everybody's Falling In or Out of Windows

Literally even the dog

Makes me wanna do a supercut of these scenes accompanied by this song - 

Friday the 13th: The One Where the Guy Who's Supposedly the Hero Dies the Most Embarrassing and Undignified Death

Verdict: 4 outta 10 Jackos
[ 🎃🎃🎃🎃 _ _ _ _ _ _ ]

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