Halloween shopping in Seattle

 A few weeks ago I posted about a retro party store in Seattle that I enjoyed visiting in 2019, Party @ Display & Costume, and I paid another visit today!

It was a perfect moody fall day, at first rainy and windy, then sunny/overcast and breezy - the ideal day to do some Halloween shopping. Social distancing measures were in place, everyone wore masks and were more or less respectful about giving each other space. 

Lots of fun stuff, as usual.

A flock of ghosts, clowns, witches, and grim reapers, many of them motion-activated.

Halloween cocktail party attire, perhaps?

Many Halloween lights to choose from.

They carry a lot of the vintage-look cutouts, which have become popular in recent years - for good reason. Gorgeous monochromatic illustrations.

Mood for the entirety of 2020

Great fun as always!

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